About the Journal

About the journal:

The Physical Therapy Journal of Indonesia (PTJI) is an open-access journal (OJS) that publishes scientifically content two editions per year (June and December) to promote clinical practice and research in the physical therapy area. PTJI shares the study review, clinical cases, and evidence-based research in acupuncture, aquatic, cardiorespiratory, electrophysical agents, manual therapy, mental health, neurology, occupational health and ergonomics, older people, oncology, palliative care and HIV, paediatrics, pelvic and women’s health, private practice, and sports. PTJI is an official journal of the Indonesia Sport Physiotherapy Community.
We encourage the readers, students, clinicians, and researchers to share their idea and knowledge related to physical therapy in this journal. This journal is a good place to start the scientific carrier for beginner researchers. All the manuscripts submitted to the PTJI will go through a series of assessments from our reviewers before publication. PTJI will not accept all positive acts of plagiarism and repetition of submitting the same manuscripts.
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check the author's guidelines. The submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to the guidelines. For the submission, the authors need to register an account of the journal website and log in to begin the process.



Open Journal Systems (often called OJS) is a journal management and publication system created by the Public Knowledge Project as part of its federally supported initiatives to increase and improve research access. The Public Knowledge Project is a multi-university effort to improve the quality and reach of academic publications by producing (free) open-source software and doing research. This journal acknowledges the Public Knowledge Project team's innovation and works in establishing and continually enhancing OJS. Please visit the Public Knowledge Project's official website to learn more and to support the project's endeavors.


Aims and scope:

PTJI, an open-access, peer-reviewed journal, aims to disseminate top-notch research articles, reviews, and general field articles. Articles relevant to all aspects of fundamental research and clinical investigations in the area of physical therapy are published by PTJI. The Journal aims to promote a lively exchange of ideas between academics and practitioners as well as to bridge and integrate the intellectual, methodological, and substantive variety of physical therapy experts.


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Archiving policy

PTJI on digital archiving policy to Garuda.


Screening for Plagiarism Policy:

PTJI has a policy of screening for plagiarism. To verify the article's authenticity, we utilize the anti-plagiarism program "Turnitin."


Deposit Policy Directory:

Sherpa/Romeo: klik here.


Content ownership, copyright, licensing, and permissions

The authors transfer the copyright to the publishers once the paper is published, but we grant certain rights to their authors (the ability to reuse parts of the paper in future work and the ability to distribute in any number of copies) based on the license's rules and regulations under a Creative Commons Attribution-BY license.

You are free to:
Share - Copy and redistribute the content in any media or format you like. As long as you respect the license conditions, the licensor cannot cancel these freedoms.

All authors are free to submit,
and free to publish only eligible authors with no grant or funding from any institution, government, organization, university (Proven by a letter from the Head Department, Dean, or Rector) and a high H-Index and citations.


Due to the worldwide pandemic, our review process may take anywhere from 30 to 90 days.


Please contact us if you have questions about the submissions:
Editorial Office :
     Faculty of Medicine Udayana University
     Jl. PB. Sudirman Denpasar Bali-Indonesia
     Tel:62(0361)222510 ext: Ruang Publikasi dan Validasi Lantai IV FK Unud
     E-mail : editorptji@gmail.com

     Sanglah General Hospital
     Extension SMF Obsteric & Gynecology
     Bali Medical Journal Office (JNPK)
     Tel:62(0361)224556 + Extension SMF Obsteric & Gynecology
      E-mail : editorptji@gmail.com